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The U.S. Association comprised of Member State Associations is the first national flag football organization on a membership basis if it’s kind in the United States. Each Member State Association has purchased a franchise and membership certificate in the U.S. Association, which serves as the parent body for the Member States and leagues along with the teams and players within them. Only state championship teams are eligible to compete in the U.S. Tournament, which is conducted in flag football to determine a national champion.

The USFFA (originally the United States Flag & Touch Assoc.), was founded on November 8, 1976 , and is the official organization for men’s amateur flag football in the nation. The Association was created to provide for the unification of independent leagues into state associations, which operate under the same constitution, by-laws, tournament standards and rules required for membership on a franchise basis in the U.S. Association. Each state association annually conducts a state tournament comprised of championship teams from its member leagues, with champions advancing to the U.S. Tournament.

The goal of the U.S. Association is to strengthen the physical, moral, and competitive fiber of American men by expanding opportunities for participation in autumn flag football leagues. The Association’s aim is to contribute positively to the American society by helping to create associations in every state and by triggering the creation of leagues in every city within each state association, so that all men might reap the benefits of physical fitness, wholesome recreation, brotherhood, and leadership which the sport tends to foster and spread to other segments of society.

The USFFA is conducting a membership drive for new state associations and leagues. Any league comprised of four or more teams is eligible to form a state association as a member of the U.S. Association, by purchasing a franchise and membership certificate in the U.S. Association. The franchise holder, is then responsible for building his state association through the recruitment and creation of leagues for membership and in conducting annual state championship tournaments. The top teams of which, may participate in the U.S. tournament. Member state associations are encouraged to bid on and periodically host National events. Application for national membership may be made through this website.

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